- Stance classifier for Twitter replies [GIT]
- SIMPATICO TAE: text adaptation engine for the SIMPATICO project [GIT]
- QuEst++: an open source framework for pipelined translation quality estimation [LINK] [GIT]
- VerbNet.Br: a VerbNet for Brazilian Portuguese (search interface) [LINK]
- PortLex: portal to make available computational lexical resources of Portuguese language [LINK]
- Coh-Metrix-Port 1.0: readability Assessment Tool for Portuguese - (Coh-Metrix-Port 2.0 - developed by Andre Cunha - available at [LINK)]
- WordNet.Br: search Interface (sorry, portuguese only) [LINK]
- Tagger model for Galician: Stanford CoreNLP tagger [DOWNLOAD]
- Dependency parser model for Galician: Stanford CoreNLP dependency parser [DOWNLOAD]
- CREG-MT-EVAL: a corpus reading comprehension corpus for MT evaluation [GIT] [Original CREG corpus]
- VerbNet.Br: a VerbNet for Brazilian Portuguese (database) [DOWNLOAD]
Slides, PDFs and more
- Keynote talk at TOFFEE 2019 - Lucca, Italy (24-25/10/2019)
- Keynote talk at ROME 2019 - SIGIR 2019 collocated workshop - Paris, France (25/07/2019) [SLIDES]
- Quality Estimation for Language Output Applications Tutorial - Presented at COLING 2016, Osaka, Japan (11/12/2016) [LINK]
- Translation Quality Estimation - Presented at PROPOR 2016, Tomar, Portugal (13/07/2016) [LINK]
- QuEst++ Tutorial - Presented at Alicante University (21/01/2016) [PDF] [SLIDES]
- 学术报告-基于槽位共享跨度预测的多领域对话状态追踪模型 (2023-07-07 CCF乌鲁木齐-第九期学术沙龙)[LINK]
- ICASSP 2023-slide [LINK]
- ICASSP 2023-poster [LINK]